What I Am Listening To


I have always enjoyed listening to The Rubin Report, the podcast hosted by comedian and political commentator Dave Rubin. I always learn something new or hear a new perspective, something which is all too uncommon in today’s world of echo chambers and supposed ‘journalism’. The recent episode with Peter Boghossian and James Lindsay is especially enlightening, as it focuses on their (along with Helen Pluckrose) work to expose the ridiculous world of social justice academia. Dave, as always, is inquisitive and does not shy away from challenging any guest he hosts. Again, another episode where I came away better for listening. If you have not heard The Rubin Report before give it a try. If you want to really be educated in a short time start with his episode with Thomas Sowell from early in 2018. Sowell is a tour de force and Rubin lets him shine.