What I Am Listening To


I certainly am not writing anything original by designating this a classic album, but sometimes the obvious still needs to be said. This is one of those albums I listen to and wonder what it was like putting this on, unheard, when it first came out in 1977. I imagine it would have been clear from the first, escalating sounds of Second Hand News that this record was going to be not only interesting, but worth a full listen from the start. The oft heard facts about Rumours are still amazing to hear again. Under forty minutes in length. Cocaine fueled arguments and brawls almost destroyed the album’s chances of ever being released. Twenty million copies sold in the US. Over forty million copies sold worldwide. Fifth best selling album in the world, excluding greatest hits collections or soundtracks. I always go back to the third track, Never Going Back Again, as my favorite off the album, though I Don’t Want To Know may be the best example of the whole band coming together in a perfection of timely drumming, beautiful harmonies, and of course emotional songwriting that makes this such a classic even over forty years later.